Poland - Gimnazjum No 22

Poland - Gimnazjum No 22

Gimnazjum No 22 under the name of Maria Skłodowska- Curie is a lower secondary school in Częstochowa. Częstochowa is rather located in the south of Poland. There are about 180 students and about 20 teachers in our school. The age of our students ranges from 13 to 15 and they stay in school for three years. The headmistress is Ms Dorota Strzelczyk. Much more information about our school you can get from the website https://www.gim22.ids.czest.pl/
Coordinator: Stefan Rudzki- stevekate@op.pl



Education Sysytem in Poland

Gimnazjum No 22

Urszula Stryjewska

Rafał Kucharski

Izabela Leonarcik