Meetings of Estonian team
10/05/2014 19:55

Have a look at our booklet - Alko- tubakas-Uimastid-2.pdf (1,1 MB)
It's been busy, extremely busy. It is conclusion time as the school year is going to finish soon. Studying, sport, culture, expositions of recreational clubs. Due to the Comenius project we have met many times, sometimes for 20 min, sometimes even longer. We have met verious times with different people.

Posters - we discussed with the art teacher how to design them and what could different aged students do. We agreed, that the teachers will collect the different materials and we can brig some with us to Poland.

Advertising booklets - the IT teacher was going to teach this programme in her IT class, so we could practise the designing of advertising booklets. Perhaps we can take something from here with us to Poland.

Presentations - at first we worked on one, but at the end it came out that we needed two. Well, now we were in a hurry.
Effects of smoking, drugs, and drinking topic brought us together with an alumny Minna- now working as youth police. She spoke to 6th and 8th graders about that same topic and helped us to gather our thoughts on the theme.
The Olympic Spirit topic made us think about our community, developement of youth into great sportsmen. From our tiny community have grown up many good sportsmen, who have represented Estonia abroad. Even our school's principle, Jaan Lember, was a very great sportsman during the Soviet Union time. We met different people, they sent us their photos and with their help we are trying to put together our presentation.
At the end we made a questionnaire on the topic "How common are smoking, drinking, and drugs among youth". The result of this questionnaire we will put together before going to Poland.
We also visitid Kuressaares's Youth Centre and Kuressaare Hospital's youth councellor to get information for out presentation. We think that we have done a lot of work. Many teachers with their students have also helped along. We will see the outcome of our efforts in Czestochowa. We hope all will go as we wish.
We'll meet soon!!
Estonian team